Massive childhood nostalgia game.

In my primary school (that's elementary for you Americans, ages 4-11), there was something called the After School Club where you'd all hang out in this room if your parents were working and couldn't pick you up for a few hours. Had biscuits, juice, gaming consoles, toys, a garden, all that shit. They eventually got a Wii, and Mario Party 8 was the absolute shit. Kids were crowding around to play this together while others watched; we were only allowed to have 20 minute intervals per group so everyone could get a turn, and I remember stretching the games out as much as possible so I could use the excuse of "Just let us finish this game!" and keep on playing.

Upon remembering this game as an adult, I ended up going out and buying a Wii just for this - and it really is as fun as I remember it being. It's janky in the typical Wii motion controls way where I have to be in a very specific spot moving in a very specific way if I want it to pick up my movements properly, but this is absolutely one of my favourite Mario Party installments to this day.

Love what they did with the city/hotel board (I'm terrible with names), best gimmick in here for sure, followed up by the train board where the carriages can all rearrange. Less a fan of the randomised chance element of Boo's mansion, but it's not unenjoyable.

I'll still force any friends who are willing to play this with me.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
