Written by the same author behind The Hero Project/Heroes Rise, so if you weren't into the more railroad-y aspects of that one, you probably won't be converted by this series.

Having said that, Versus had so much potential. It's really hard for me to recommend the series wholeheartedly anymore because of the absolute garbage fire the third game was, which has retroactively left such a sour taste in my mouth over the first two as well, but I'm trying to evaluate this one in itself right now.

It still has that annoying Sergei trait of him randomly throwing in the worst sci-fi words you've ever heard (why are the villains called "Blots"? Why is "blarg" a swear word? Why do you think I'll be able to take your game seriously if I'm in some sort of emotional final stand battle and a character's yelling, "Oh blarg, the Blot Emperor is coming to suck our souls out, we have to run for the Bliffenship and escape to Planet Bonk"), but if you try real hard to ignore that it's a pretty alright experience. I prefer the sequel to this one, but this has some interesting set-up and introduces a lot of pretty unique and cool concepts and ideas.

The setting is interesting - sort of sci-fi/extraterrestrial meets Hunger Games. I've always wanted more Hunger Games-esque plots in my interactive fiction, so it's pretty up my alley in that sense.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
