GRAPHICS: Gorgeous, obviously. Do these need to be commented on? It's well-known to be one of the most graphically beautiful and detailed games ever made, and it holds up as such to this day.
CHARACTERS: Arthur is widely regarded as one of the best video game characters of all time, and for the most part I have to concur. I'm a John Marston kind of guy myself, but I grew to love Arthur more than I ever could've expected, and he and his writing and development certainly deserve the love and praise they received. I could write you an essay on how vital and important it was for RDR2's protagonist to be a gentle, fundamentally kind-hearted and artistic man in a world of game protagonists who take pride in being violent and "gritty" and apathetic. I loved all of the other characters, too, with some obvious meant-to-be-hated exceptions -- personal favourites are Sean MacGuire and his Irish charm, Karen Jones and her shamelessness, Hosea Matthews and his wise wit, and (a less popular pick) Molly O'Shea and her very overlooked tragedy.
VOICE ACTING/DIALOGUE: Great, charming, witty -- can't think of any duds in the major cast.
PLOT: Takes a while to get going, but God when it does it blows you away. There's a reason this game had a lot of grown adult gamers crying.
GAMEPLAY: I had far fewer issues with this than others did. I'm accustomed to the sort of clunky RDR style of movement -- sure, sometimes I would try to turn and fall flat on my face over a small stone on the ground instead, but honestly that just added to the hilarity at times -- and I had no particular problem with the slow realism of looting, skinning, opening cupboards, etc. I found it appropriately weighted and immersive.
MULTIPLAYER: There is an online mode to the game, but I haven't dabbled in it much myself. I hear it's not as active or well-maintained as GTA online (obviously), but from what I've seen of others playing it in videos and such it seemed much the same as single-player, just with more chaos. I seem to recall there is something of an Online mode storyline/'campaign' as well for those interested.

Favourite Male Character: Sean
Favourite Female Character: Molly
First Character I Liked: John
Favourite Character Design: Molly
Favourite OST: That's The Way It Is
Favourite Scene: The gang approaching Braithwaite Manor
Least Favourite Character: Micah

Reviewed on Aug 08, 2023
