The first RE game I beat. I played RE0, RE3, and RE Code Veronica before this, but never was able to get through them (for multiple reasons I won't get into in this review). I give this game all the credit, as it made me check out all the other numbered Resident Evil titles, and is partly responsible for me loving the survival horror genre (which is funny and a bit ironic, being that this is not nearly as horror focused as its predecessors).

RE4 is one of the most influential games ever made - which is both a good and bad thing... it is the primary reason for the abundance of the third person, over-the-shoulder perspective that is so very prevalent in action/shooting games nowadays. It, along with the original God of War, also made Quick Time Events (QTEs) prevalent throughout the game industry... especially at the time... I was never a huge fan of QTEs, but it is what it is - just make sure you don't put the controller down when you are in a "cutscene" or you may get an unexpected, and potentially hilarious, death.

Even for those that don't like the horror genre, you should still at least give this game a try. It may be somewhat gory at times, especially if you screw up (hello chainsaw man), but it is relatively tame in comparison to other horror games.

The action gameplay is tons of fun and the cheesy dialogue is endearing... Leon has some great one-liners throughout this game, that I was very much anticipating re-experiencing with the Remake that came out earlier this year, in 2023.

This game may also have the most recognizable gaming merchant of all time - he's a bonafide legend. The pacing of RE4, upon where you collect pesetas (RE4's currency) from the environment and enemies, which allow you to buy and upgrade your gear, is nigh perfection. It is always a pleasant surprise when you blast through areas of monsters, and see the merchant around the corner ready to greet you with new wares.

The only thing that can be somewhat frustrating in this game is that it is inherently an escort mission through and through. Not every level do you have to worry about Ashley Graham, the president's daughter you are tasked with rescuing, but she is more than prevalent throughout the game, and it can be more than a little annoying attempting to protect her (and her sometimes sketchy AI) from the onslaught of enemies. Ashley was the one thing that the Remake improved dramatically - both from a voice acting/character performance standpoint, while also making her much less burdensome to protect.

All in all, I will always enjoy the original RE4, and even with the Remake's release, I still think the original is worth taking a look at, if you've never played it.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023
