Metroid Fusion offers some gorgeous visuals and the best Samus design yet, but feels compromised in perhaps every other way.

At this point, Fusion doesn't offer too much new in the way of gameplay - A few gimmicks in the way enemies respawn, some weapon behaviors slightly changed, that kind of stuff. While there are some control adjustments that are certainly welcome, Fusion somewhat disappointingly aims to innovate in the series not through core gameplay, but by a more streamlined sense of progression, and an emphasis on in-game storytelling.

In addition to just not feeling as satisfying as the sprawling open ended-ness of Super Metroid, this approach just feels sort of half-baked, and doesn't push far enough or executes well enough on the distance it does go.

Most of the new things Fusion aims to do, Zero Mission just does better. And most of the old things it tries to do again, Super Metroid has it beat by a country mile.

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2021
