The sense of speed and cinematic-ness of combat takes a back seat in favor of a daunting but totally immersive level of input - If simulating flying an X-Wing is what you're looking for, Squadrons is a perfect vehicle for that, but if you want to feel like you're taking part in an on-screen battle from the movies, something more arcade in nature ironically feels more authentic.

Getting into the flow of things is satisfying, though the campaign too often feels chore-like and dull, preventing that flow from occurring very frequently - Whether that's a product of frustrating/boring mission design, the reliance on checkpoints vs a "lives" system that would let you jump right back into the action, or the constant restriction of which ships you can pilot vs the actual ships you enjoy piloting.

Either way, Squadrons is a neat little game with some excellent production value that's sure to be a specific cup of tea for a specific group of people.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2021
