I definitely expected more from this mod, but it was okay.

It's such a short mod that honestly I'm not even sure how to approach reviewing it. Like, what's there is fine, but it feels like I played a demo for a larger mod.

I don't want to sound like an asshole, but this feels like someone's first Half-Life mod. And if that's what it is, good for them! I hope they went on to make more inspired things than this. It's not horrible by any means, it maintains some baseline Half-Life fun, but the level design is just so bare. There's not much too this mod - it's okay, but visually very boring. Not very interesting to traverse, either. It's just meh.

In some moments it has perfectly fine combat and gameplay, in others it just has some of the most bafflingly poor design decisions I've seen. Maybe worth giving a try but keep sv_cheats set to 1 because you will need to turn on god mode for some of these encounters, they are not designed well at all. (P.S., there's a poster of two naked women kissing in one room. Not complaining, just thought I should mention it.)

If you put me in a mod with extremely poor and ugly level design and the first challenge is a temple filled with like 30 fucking assassins, I'm not going to finish it. I can't even say this game is poorly design because it isn't designed at all. It's like if you could hit the randomize button on a half-life map. Not worth playing.

What a strange mod. That's really the best word I can use to describe it - strange. I honestly can't even muster more than that. It's just... strange. And really not in a good way.

It's a well put together mod, if not particularly interesting. There's really not much to it. It's a decent little 30 or so minutes if you're into Half-Life, but probably only worth one playthrough.

A perfectly fine and serviceable campaign mod.

A very unique mod. In a way you can almost think of it as a goldsrc version of Portal. I played it on Hardcore mode, and some of the puzzles really had me stumped for a while. Even if I had some trouble here and there, I would still definitely say this is one of the better Half-Life mods that I've played.

This mod is difficult and it knows it. But it's also pretty good, and quite charming at that. I particularly like the good ending, although I won't spoil it. A neat little mod.

It's decent, if a little cartoonish. It does nothing exceptionally well, but nothing exceptionally poorly either. It's very short and I would say that it is worth playing if you like Adrian Shephard, like I do.

Certainly a fine mod. Progression is not always very clear, although it suffers with this problem a lot less than other mods. There are some sequences where you just have to wait and do nothing for minutes on end, which is honestly just a baffling decision. And the scene where you get sent to a gas chamber is honestly just a very tasteless inclusion. But killing Nazis is fun, and it's not the worst mod I've played. It does wear the the Indiana Jones inspiration on its sleeve, but to be honest I think that makes it more charming. (Seriously though, if this mod got a remaster, I would definitely omit the gas chamber scene. Not okay.)

I will admit that I did not finish this mod, but this is no fault of my own. I got to a map about halfway through the mod that is required for progressing, and loading out of it crashes the game, making progressing further impossible. With that out of the way, what I played of this game averaged out to be just okay. The combat is baseline Half-Life fun, the weapons are actually fairly good I would say, and there is clearly a level of competence in the environment design. The problem is that a lot of this mod is just running around through empty areas you've already cleared out looking for a specific key or item you need to progress, which is not very fun. This mod also has a very weird sense of humor that I will admit did not click with me very much at all. Oh, and the depictions of the Vietnamese characters in this mod are extremely racist. In terms of overall quality this mod is okay, but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Echoes is good. I think the praise it receives is earned. But it's not perfect. I think the encounter design is frankly wack, the game just throws too many enemies at you. And the part where you have to crawl past the bodies with the snarks in them is not fun. But this is still a well made and very competent mod. I would say it is worth a play, but I would probably play it on normal mode if I were you.