As someone who has had no experience with previous Paper Mario games, I enjoyed this. Best part of the game is exploring the world, looking at the uniqueness of it all and experiencing the comedic moments when rescuing toads or random one off characters. The game is filled with charm and that helps push you along it's long story. It's always giving you these wacky moments that keep your entertained.

I'd say combat is both good and bad. The general idea of it is fun but after doing it over and over again it starts to really drain you. Thankfully normal enemy encounters seem scripted so it's not like your going to experience 1000 random encounters in the first hour. I actually really liked the boss fights. Boss fights kinda invert the battle system and the fact that your doing less boss fights than normal enemy fights means that they don't get boring due to you doing to many of them.

If you have a Switch I'd recommend the game. If your a fan of the previous Paper Mario games then I hope this lives up to your expectations. The greatest thing I can say about the game is it makes me want to check out the previous ones, specifically Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2020
