(Notice: I completed this before Senua's Sacrifice in case of any journal and review timeline confusion)

Although I had some problems with the changes from Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3, I really enjoyed the ending to the trilogy. I didn't like how they kept changing the layout of the Normandy, especially considering I played all 3 games in under 2 weeks. This made it particularly annoying as I wasn't able to accustom myself to a singular interior layout design.

In terms of the game's ending, my personal take is it makes it easier for Bioware to start a new game or future trilogy with a new main character and companions. The plot twists in this game were amazing and the characters were as good as always.

Eventually, I want to purchase and play through the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, so I can experience the additional DLCs and play in a different style to get a new and alternative perspective to the main storyline.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2023


10 months ago

I prefer not to rush through an entire game or game franchise in a short period of time. I find that by experiencing it over a longer time period, I can become more deeply immersed and truly appreciate the game. This applies to TV series as well.
In the case of Mass Effect, it holds a special place in my heart as it represents a specific time in my life, and I cherish the memories associated with it, both in and outside of the game.
I believe that a game must be played in the right moment (that unfortunately - or not - we can't previously know when that is) and that moment is unique to each individual. Playing a great game at the wrong time can result in a mediocre or disappointing experience.

10 months ago

@HyperLAW i completely agree! i had no intentions on rushing through the mass effect series. i had a week with nothing planned and decided to spend over 6-8 hours a day playing through the games. when i purchase and play through the legendary edition, my plan is to slowly complete the game over a couple of months, and attempt to complete everything, including the dlcs which I haven't played yet. 👍