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Kondo-Sensei itsumo arigato gozaimasu. THANK YOU FALCOM

I loved this game. It had the highest highs and peakest peaks I've witnessed in a jrpg

Story starts off really strong as you take control of the previous games' protagonists and they get a look into the current situation, setting up their eventual meeting with the current main cast. You also take control of Juna temporarily and we get to see more of how class 7 operates, especially with Rean M.I.A.. The game has a strong start up to act 2 when you recruit Crow, and the story kinda slows down for much of that act (I personally enjoyed it still), which is very lengthy by itself, until the Pantagruel section where the game starts to pick right back up and goes on strong for the remainder. I really liked Rufus and Osborne as antagonists as well and doing those fights were so good. Also really enjoyed the little McBurn reveal as well. I really loved the ending(s) of the game. I did each on different days and both of them fr made me cry. Both of them were amazing, and I loved them both for different reasons as both felt fitting for Rean's story and that of the wider Trails saga up until this point. I've also heard that apparently both are canon at the same time?? I'm interested to see where this leads

Combat was really fun too in this game and at the time of writing is one of the best turn-based combat systems I've played. They tuned down the craziness of breaking from 3 but you can still make it viable. They've also made arts really strong in this game and you can do some crazy stuff with them. They've brought back lost arts and summoning your mech during human battles (although the latter is kinda different) from cs2. With more quartz and master quartz you can also do some more insane things too in combat. The mech fights were awesome too and in this game they really keep you on your toes. Overall the combat was the epitome of rawness.

The music in this game was fire and the ost for that final dungeon was fantastic.

Overall I love this game man, it serves as a fitting conclusion to this Trails saga. Honestly top 4 for me so far

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
