4 years after the introduction of the franchise's unique time freeze premise, Mind Control Delete strives to deliver on the fanbase's general request for more Superhot content, to the point of making that request its ultimate statement. Considering the lack of levels presented in Superhot and the redundancy of its challenge mode, it's fitting that MCD decides to iterate on the endless mode of that game instead.

Turning Superhot into a roguelike, MCD shrugs off right from the start any complaints about the story campaign being too short. Now with an onslaught of randomly selected levels to complete and an infinite number of enemies to finish off before watching the credits roll, we have more than enough to chew on without feeling our investment wasn't compensated enough.

Playing into the genre's strengths, MCD answers the fans pleas for more of everything, providing enough enemy variety and a new selection of power-ups that immensely expand the versatility of the player's arsenal and the opportunity for unique and challenging engagement with his foes. Being able to do stuff like summon back your thrown sword, achieve invulnerability while engaging in melee combat, or ricocheting bullets from one headshot into another enemy, adds a new layer of creativity and expression that wasn't present in the original game.

Unfortunately, this impressive set of new features doesn't seem to be enough to takes us all the way through the end of the game. Like its predecessor, MCD carries itself with the same cynical meta tone, this time calling out the player's penchant for demanding more for their buck. And not unlike Superhot, MCD doesn't really do much with that premise besides calling attention to it. Its a game that is self aware about its shortcomings and diminishing returns, and as you start to notice how redundant the game gets towards the end, with a disappointing number of new weapons, useful power ups to play with, or interesting enemies and levels to deal with, you might feel inclined to oblige to the game's incenssant and obnoxious condescension and shut off the game for good.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2021
