Sly 2 is an absolute masterpiece of a game, there’s so many positive terms I can describe it and it still wouldn’t be done justice. There’s several things to love about this game. The Character Interactions are still fun and charming like they were in the first game, Murray goes from someone very frightened and nervous to someone confident and strong showing great Character Development. The Gameplay is very fun with the Stealth and platforming being designed very well and something I like about this game is that you have a Health Bar this time instead of dying in one hit like in the first game, I think the Health Bar is a good addition since it’s better for newcomers and makes it less annoying on how you will die. Bentley and Murray are also playable in this game, Bentley a lot of the time is used for hacking things to make Plans be executed well, which is a nice and unique way to shake the gameplay up. Murray I have so much fun playing mostly because his attacks feel so strong and satisfying. The Music is also pretty nice, some of my favorite tracks are the Episode Select Theme, Paris Theme, Canada Theme, etc. Lastly, the Visuals are pretty nice, the variety is nice since all of the Chapters are inspired by real life locations from Paris, India, Prague, etc. it’s nice to see it represent several countries of the world, it makes the game feel very real and unique.

Despite my overwhelming praises, there are a few criticisms I have for this game, the Tank in this game has horrendous controls, you’re supposed to move it forward with both Analog Sticks moving forward and going backward with both the Analog Sticks, the problem is the turning feels extremely clunky, slow, and horrible. Another complaint I have is some of the Bottles, while I enjoy collecting the Bottles and it rewards you with some really nice moves, some of these are really annoying to find considering the size of the Level Design can make it a nightmare to find a Bottle, especially in Chapter 8 where the Level is huge with so many different routes, and it’ll be annoying when you spend a good chunk of your time finding 1 Bottle meanwhile you’ve collected the other 29 in the Level. Lastly, the Boss Fights, pretty underwhelming in all honesty, they have 1 pattern that’s easy to overcome and you beat them up until they’re dead, it feels disappointing knowing that there could’ve been some really nice Boss Fights.

However, despite my criticisms, this is still a very fun and enjoyable game that is filled with great things, but slightly dragged down by a few shortcomings. Still, play this game if you haven’t already, highly recommend it.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2021
