I read a lot of shit people were throwing at this game. I was even more surprised after this game actually launched without issues on my modern machine. Is it garbage though?

Yeah, lol. Roll the credits. Short version - we have an interesting concept abandoned halfway by developers.

Well, first thing first. I don't have any issue whatsoever with how this game controls. I played through whole game in first person perspective and everything was fine.

But the dirt hides in all other aspects of the game. You have hundred of ways to kill an enemy but use maximum of three: spray flamethrower, shoot flame bullets or throw and shoot bottle with gasoline. Why? Because game bombards you with supplies. Not a single time you have to manage resources or drag unconscious enemy into the fire. Looks like developers created a complex system and didn't know how to balance it and just gave up.

Actually same goes for plot. You have no idea what is going on or why Carnby does what he does. Ending feels either absolutely pointless or as a prologue for next part which never came. Sprinkle some roots of evil spread out throughout the map and you have 2-3 hours of just driving from point to point throwing molotovs at growling meat plants just to continue the story. Again feels like devs thought of a general idea of what they wanted but gave up halfway chiseling it out. And yeah, I burned all of the roots. And I regret it.

Just for your information, you can cheese evil hungry man-eating water with zippo. Wish I knew it earlier than my last encounter with it.

And punch everyone who tells you "Nyeh, this shit game disrespects and disgraces all legacy left out by its predecessors!". Alone in the Dark 2 and 3 was as bad as it could be. There was no legacy to disgrace. Fucking ghost cowboys for fuck's sake. Come on.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2022
