I was at my local retro game shop the other day when I asked one of the employees for recommendation (whilst having a conversation about soulsborne with another employee at the same time) and he pulls out a repro cart of this game, tells me its a fun challenge n whatnot. I decide to take it home with me and tell my friends about this game, watched one of them play it before I booted the game up for myself and it was quite short, but rewarding and a fun ride. Its like if castlevania and altered beast had a biblically accurate incest baby, and I was all for it (I do not condone incest). There are points where the level design feels like crap (I.E the ice level) and some levels really do not give you enough time to beat them, you'll be at the end of the stage fighting a boss at 10 seconds left in the level, which when you respawn they put you back at the start of the boss with full time back which is nice but at the same time it just feels stupid, why give us only 5 minutes to beat an 8 minute level? oh yeah I'm playing an snes platformer, that explains it. On another note there are two endings and To get the
good ending, you have the get the first three orbs that drop from a boss in a certain order (orange, green and then blue.) meaning that you have to wait and let the orb that the bosses drop change color.

overall the game is good and it sucks that we didnt get it here, though it makes sense considering there are naked ladies locked in cages in the first level.

Reviewed on May 06, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

hi i'm friends