Truly quite awful. I've heard the gamecube version is a bit better, but it can't redeem it that much.

If you were charting Sonic's decline, i think this is where things run into trouble. Don't get me wrong, the 3D era on the whole is controversial, but here is where there's no doubt.

Starting with positives, the general vibe and soundtrack here is good. I'll give it that. It's upbeat, and simple.

The rest though? Really quite bad. We've now went from SA1's 6.5 characters/story modes, to SA2's 2 story modes, with 3 characters/modes. And finally we bottom out at Sonic Heroes, with 1 character/mode, and 5 stories.
Yes, technically this has the most playable sonic characters, but they aren't individuals, they're a weird chimera that function as one whole moving object with the same set abilities. Each team function similarly, and all reuse the same levels.

Gameplay is a glitch ridden, herky jerky muddle, where you catch on walls every five seconds, fight enemies that now have health bars that slow progress to a crawl and listen to tails saying the same line over and over. I fell through the floor on two seperate occasions.

People seem pretty wrapped up in nostalgia for this one, I'd reccomend revisting it to dispell any illusions.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

Well, each to their own as they say. As much as i pick it apart here, i really don't hate it. I've returned to it a few times when i get the itch to play the 3d sonic games through.