One of my favorites of all time. I don't think it's perfect in any way, in fact I think it has way too many flaws that people tend to overlook.The non party embers social links are a bit of a step down when compared to three's, the gameplay loop is still fairly similar, and some of the dialogue doesn't really work all too well in my opnion. And yet, regardless of all that, I still chose to give it a perfect score. While it does have some issues, the game excels in so many areas it almost feels unnatural. The music is terrific, the main characters, are all extremely well developed and actually feel like they have significant depth to them, even though they are (intentionally) a bit cartoonish in nature at times. The party actually fells like a real group of people with real, believable interactions among them. The gameplay may not have as many difference from 3 as i would have liked, but it's still super fun. The story is really well thought out, and if you managed to not get spoiled, the big culprit reveal is incredibly satisfying. This is a really easy game to sink hours and hours into without even realizing it, it does have plenty of flaws, but as I said, it has way more positives. I could go on and on about all of its positive aspects, but I think the picture is pretty clear by now: Persona 4 Golden is one of th best JRPGs out there and is absolutely worth everyone's time.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2024
