Ok, obviously this isn't that bad, but this game has always pissed me off. I distinctly remember being on CoolMathGames in 2017, in Year 9, having spent an entire childhood committing the first 2 games to memory and being ecstatic that a new one had released (blissfully unaware of course that these games exist out of the confines of that website and this had in fact been out for years before being published then on that site). I fired it up and immediately thought, verbatim, "Oh damn this is some shitty fangame or something, it's so floaty and feels awful, no way he'd make this after 2." It took years before I learned that this was an official sequel, and is also inexplicably the most popular. It pisses me off to no end that this game drops the razor precision and fast pace of the last game, as well as losing the curation of the level design entirely. Instead, we've regressed back to the boxes that were already testing the limits of their enjoyability by the end of the first game, and changing the number of sides is just not enough to shake it up. Worst of all, this game contains an entirely obfuscated progression system wherein it's virtually impossible to figure out how many levels are left in the game, let alone how you go about unlocking them. I would bet a good amount of money 99% of people who think they've beaten this game missed most of the levels. I don't even think I've played them all between the 3 or 4 times I've tried to finish this! It's still fun enough moment to moment, but it's distressing how many problems this game invents for itself that the dev smartly avoided previously. The series did not need cutscenes, let me tell you.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
