A huge reinvention for the series kneecapped by a LOT of flaws in the execution.

Graphics can suck at times. Draw distances are bad, pop ins, textures, the works. All rough. The tutorial segment is unforgivable in its length, and most of the plot is entirely skippable. What's worse, you "complete" the story and roll the credits, only for Act 3 to essentially start. It's a bizarre post-game transition, because the post game plot isn't extra content or an epilogue, it's the actual conclusion to the game. Except I'm so "over" the narrative that I don't really want to see it to its proper conclusion.

But MAN, everything in between is probably the purest excitement I've had with Pokémon since Gen 2. Catching wild Pokémon in open areas is so fun. Outwitting or outrunning Alphas is legit thrilling. The stakes of exploration and combat feel real, and sometimes just watching the unique things Pokémon do in the wild can bring out sincere joy.

This, IMO, NEEDS to be the template for Pokémon going forward. But it also needs a lot of polish too, before it can be the very best.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
