Well, that was a waste of money. I liked pretty much everything about Hammerwatch except the core loop, and I really should've realized that this would still be the case in this game. This sequel is loaded with meta-progression, which I'm a huge sucker for, and there are unlocks and stuff everywhere you look in the starting little city, which you also improve and rebuild and I'm also a huge sucker for rebuilding a run-down little hub town, but then the game itself is just endless corridors with endless rooms where you walk in, catch aggro and then kite backwards as you bottleneck enemies. Repeat for every combat situation in every room. On top of that, the obligatory roguelite item rooms in this game are for some reason obnoxiously difficult trap rooms that are far too hard to survive to make sense. It doesn't help that it's frustratingly inconvenient to switch characters and that most of the systems are very poorly explained. I just don't really get what I'm doing and I'm not really having any fun.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2021
