Vagrant Story is better known for its legacy than for the game itself. Whether it's for the talented staff behind it or the excellent translation by Alexander O. Smith, who set a precedent in the way stories reach us from Japan. But how many people have actually played Vagrant Story? Very few... and, honestly, after a year since I finished the game, I'm not sure if it's worth it for everyone.

In the overall experience, the pros are greater than the cons. However, the obtuse menu screens, the lack of tutorials, the deep (in a challenging way) combat system, and the truly puzzling weapon and armor crafting system don't always make the game enjoyable. Not to mention the frustrating issue of consistently dealing 0 HP damage to the dungeon bosses 'cause you have to keep in mind the type of enemy, the element, your weapon and its shape and... Suddenly a platform room appears, and you have 10 seconds to solve a puzzle! They may appear as insurmountable obstacles, but with improvements to the interface and simplification of certain elements, we'd be talking about (and I'm not saying this in a pretentious manner) a genuine masterpiece.

Set in Lea Monde, an ancient city consumed by evil powers, the story is one of the best well-written from Yasumi Matsuno. It starts like a political dispute of powers between the church, the parliament, and the nobles, but in the end, the story speaks about the human condition and morality of the characters on-screen, as well as the dilemma inside Ashley Riot, the game's protagonist, about his dark past (or not). The atmosphere and level design, despite some pacing problems, are distinguishing and unique, and the cinematographic scenes don't seem proper from a PlayStation video game at all.

But the four stars from this game come from the final stretch represented in The Great Cathedral. A dungeon where everything that makes this action RPG great converges. From the dungeon's design with a network of rooms, traps, and enemies, as well as platforming sections and puzzles that are well-implemented here. The ending is one of my favorite moments in any piece of media or fantasy story.

Overrated for many, a masterpiece for a few, and a memorable installment on my game shelf.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2023
