RE3 remake is a bit of a disappointment, but i firmly believe it is over hated.

It often feels more like a long dlc more so than an indipendent game or sequel, not only because it's not very long , but also because you play in some of the same locations with very similar gameplay mechanics (inventory system, a lot of the same weapons...). This is not a bad thing per se, but togheter with the absence of some levels from the original game it feels as lost opportunity.

The start of the game is really, really strong, taking a bit from RE7, and making the game feel more horror than it actually is. And then the Nemesis comes. I haven't played the original game, so i thought that he would have been the perfect stalker enemy, but most of the encounters are either heavily scripted or just a bit annoying. As a concept it works beautifully, and its first design is simply legendary, but I though that Mr. X in RE2R worked much better and was a lot scarier. The bossfights are fun though and he really feels like an unkillable menace, so in the end I don't feel like 100% trashing him. The story as always is silly and fun but I wasn't as engaged as in RE2R; both protagonists are fun but Carlos feels a bit out of place, and Jill... is just a less (accidentally) funny Jill.

This gameplay formula works perfectly, so I enjoyed playing the game very much. I'm not the biggest fan of the more action approach with the dodge and that kind of stuff, because I think it deprives the game of a certain degree of carefulness that's very much appreciated in a survival horror. It also feels like in some sections of the game there are way more zombies than needed, but I guess that's also because of the more action oriented approach, which comes also with a lot more ammos. Despite all of this I had a lot of fun playing through the game, which offers a decent ammount of locations in its short duration, even if not as inspired as in its predecessor. I find scavenging for resources while shooting spongey zombies strangely addictive, thanks also to the weapon variety. Carlos' part of the story plays a bit differently and even more like an action tps, so that's a plus for variety .

Despite all its (very evident) shortcomings, I had a lot of fun with RE3R, but I think that it mostly derives from its gameplay loop Which is almost completely taken from its predecessor. It definitely made me want to play the original, but I don't know if I'm ready to use those damn controls again and suffer with some of the most aged mechanics in videogames history. But who knows what the future has in store...

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
