The Pathless is a pretty game with an expansive world, satisfying movement system, and a fair amount of good old-fashioned puzzle solving. However, in my eyes it fails to really nail any of these positive attributes and is also a host to a number of other problems.

Movement is, as I said, satisfying. It is also painfully shallow, which means that I often found myself bored traveling the large open (and somewhat barren) world. The art style is good but nothing more, the puzzles are mostly very simple and somewhat repetitive, and there are annoying segments where your movement is completely restricted to walking.

The game also insists on having boss fights at the end of each major area, which might as well be cutscenes because there is no challenge due to there being essentially no consequence to getting hit. I can't deny that there was some sense of grandeur to them, but the illusion was shattered when you realize you can't lose.

If it sounds like I'm ripping into this game hard, that isn't my intention. The Pathless feels like it oozes potential and the team behind it no doubt has talent. On a deep discount, the game is certainly worth a try especially as many others hold it in high regard. Personally though, I was disappointed by how mediocre I found the experience throughout.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2022
