Y'know, if you say you've played a "low-budget anime tie-in game", I'm gonna feel obligated to check your privilege from now on, because what you played is probably above Punch Line, one of the lower-tier games I've played.

The one point I'd really be able to give to this game is the story, but I can so transparently tell that the plot is borrowed directly from the anime it's based on. The game outright borrows clips from all throughout the anime (at least, I assume), down to having unskippable opening/ending credits rolls for each "episode". What's even more unappealing is how the game cuts between in-engine cutscenes and anime scenes. It's extremely jarring, both in terms of transitions, and how the in-engine VN-esque scenes severely lack the energy and sense of humor that the anime scenes seem to have down pat. I'm probably going to end up watching the anime instead, because I'm interested in seeing what perverted pseudo-science jargon that Kotaro Uchikoshi has cooked up this time, and I can already tell that this game doesn't do it justice.

I don't think I escaped the tutorial, but the gameplay feels really uninteresting. It seems like a cool concept for a puzzle game (even though its core concepts have already been done in an exceptionally better game, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective), but the execution is extremely lacking. It feels like the developers cheaped out on animations wherever they could, even for the character models in VN segments. Everything feels disjointed and nothing ever feels satisfying. Don't even get me started on the mechanic of making sure not to look at panties for too long. But on that note...

Panties are kinda front-and-center in this game (in case the boxart didn't tip you off), and I gotta be brutally honest here. As a self-proclaimed anime panty connoisseur, who plays various Japanese games with varying degrees of panty exposure, the panties in this game are pretty fucking weak. In turn, the fact that the game is urging me to not look at the panties backfires completely. I could easily go get my fix from various other games that are tongue-in-cheek about their fanservice in much more clever or unashamed ways, such as Bullet Girls Phantasia, Gun Gun Pixies, Gal*Gun, Natsuiro High School, Akiba's Trip 2, or Senran Kagura (this one's actually a good game series, check it out).

To summarize, this game bored me to tears, and only inspired me to watch the anime that the game is based off of instead. If I wanna play a game that'll humorously titillate me, I've got various other options on hand. This game's fucking worthless in my eyes, and that's my own unfunny "punch line", I suppose.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022
