InFamous: Festival of Blood is the kind of thing that I secretly wish devs would do more often. Recycle your existing map and mechanics, but remix it in a cool way for a short and sweet adventure.

Giving Cole vampire powers and going on a non-canon romp through a visually-distinct New Marais was like a fun victory lap after finishing Infamous 2. No karma to worry about, vampires don't need no stinkin' karma, they need b l o o d. Shadow Swarm is a move that makes traversal downright trivial, save for the moment where you need to suck some poor sap's blood dry to keep going. Using Vampire Sense to follow Mother Mary's teachings and spot impostors in the crowds of people was also really fun.

The big kicker for this one is how the content kinda tapers off halfway through. I don't know why the UGC content is back, and it took me a bit to realize that my next couple of main missions were going to revolve around them. Their production value is a lot lower than the rest of the game, which is all the more jarring due to the game's already short length. Ah well, it was a nice bit of extra time in New Marais. Happy Novemberween, I suppose.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2022
