At first, going into this with the mindset that it was gonna be an awful game, I was actually enjoying it some. It was so jank and so bad that it was hilarious, and the cutscenes were terribly written and I was having a blast.

But then the game just kept getting worse. And worse. Confusing level design, frustrating camera and physics, the really intense lag spikes, game overing thanks to the above, getting lost in the overworld, long load times that load one line of dialog and then another long load right after that...
By the end I was just tired. I wanted to have a fun time with this game even knowing it was bad, but I couldn't even manage to do that. I think it just wraps around to being really bad again.

In fact, the game feels so bad to play that I'm honestly shocked the game never crashed for me. So good on the devs for being able to get this game in as playable of a state as it is, despite all the issues with development and how rushed it was.

But yeah unfortunately, this is still just a bad experience. At least the cutscenes were still hilariously bad the whole way through, so it has that going for it.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2024
