Onrush is a racing game without a finish line. Instead of trying to just be the fastest person on the track, Onrush pits 2 teams of 6 against each other in objective based matches. So for example one of the modes has a moving circle, and whichever team has the most drivers in that circle begins to take it to score a point, another mode has you trying to use more boost than the other team to win. It also has class based vehicles with different abilities to make matches more interesting, examples include a car that can give boost to teammates nearby, a motorcycle that drains boost from nearby enemies, one of the motorcycles is basically out of Tron leaving a trail of death behind them. This is something I think it'd be really cool to see more games try out, to expand the racing genre beyond who gets across the line the fastest, it has potential to be a whole genre of its own. The only reason I have this as "shelved" is because I'm literally one trophy away from the platinum, so I may return to get that at some point.

Reviewed on May 29, 2021


2 years ago

this is less a review and more a back of the box description

2 years ago

Fair enough, a few of my reviews on here are copy pasted from some Facebook GOTY posts I made where I was describing games for people who weren't as tuned into gaming and may not have heard of the games I listed. Also though sometimes I'm not really sure what to say about a game, especially a lesser known one, other than "Hey these are some things it does that are unique, I think it's rad, check it out!" Sometimes I envy the people on here who can play simplistic stuff and come out of it with a 7 paragraph essay lol.

2 years ago

Also in fairness to myself though, the actual description of this game on backloggd is basically just "This is a racing game! GO FAST!" So I think I improved on that ;)