Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the first game in the reboot/prequel series of the Deus Ex series, and it does everything the original game did but better. It has a really cool cyberpunk story about augmentations and transhumanism, and it portrays how those things would interact with capitalism. Through the open world streets of the game you can find people both pro and anti augmentation, with the anti side ranging from "this is an unnatural affront to God" to "this only benefits the rich." And you'll also find harvesters, people who harvest augmented body parts to sell on the black market. The game is a little too mainstream to explicitly say "capitalism is the problem here," but I could feel the class struggle in this game's world. When I was playing and listening to all the game's opinions on augmentations I couldn't help but think, a lot of the problems here aren't inherent to the technology, it's about the system this technology finds itself in. All of this is really cool sci-fi that I could imagine actually happening one day. The game also does away with the original game's weird early 2000's racist voice acting of Chinese characters, and has them either speak English with a slight accent, or often has them actually speaking Mandarin. And the way that Hengsha is envisioned as this city that's had to build itself vertically in order to expand for its population is really cool. The other huge improvement on the original game that makes this one of my favorite games, is that the game will not give you enough skill points to invest in everything by the end. This forces you to have to really think about how you're going to augment your character, because those decisions will influence what ways you're able to approach any given situation. It's that gameplay choice that makes this a story that I don't think would be as effective in any other medium than games.

Edit: Well I just watched the three and a half hour long HBomb video that will surely become the only way anyone talks about this game going forward. So that certainly dates this review based on my teenage memories of playing this! A lot of my enjoyment of this certainly comes down to something HBomb says in his review, which is that at the time this game came out, unless you were playing retro PC games, there was nothing like this so it was kind of a breath of fresh air. It was my first immersive sim and I didn't even know that genre existed. I was also still a Liberal at the time and so even the small hints at the larger class issues this game touches on were like revelations to me. I think something interesting that comes out of sites like backloggd and letterboxd will be that you'll see a lot of reviews calling something groundbreaking when by all account it's not at all, but it will have been that user's first experience with that type of thing, and have completely shifted their perspective. I think I still enjoy this game over the original though. If only due to the fact that when I played the original, the moment I got the blue-lightsaber-destiny-sword I immediately switched to just massacring hoards of people with it because it made the game exponentially easier and quicker to get through, which made me turn off the "making interesting choices" part of my brain. And also the racist voice acting. Like, my god the racist voice acting.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2021
