Essentially plays like WoW with a Star Wars skin, with the core gimmick of BioWare style choice driven storytelling in a multiplayer game. Although it's done in the simplistic way of just having the winner of a random dice roll be the player who determines a choice, I really like the concept of doing a multiplayer story this way. It would be neat to see something like this tried again in the future with Disco Elysium style stat influences on rolls, so maybe different classes are more likely to influence the story in ways that play to their character's strengths. It wouldn't necessarily have to be an MMO either, doing it in a 4 player co-op game would be just as interesting. I stopped playing this one once I got to a certain couple of dungeons in which the game establishes canonical versions of the protagonists of the first two games. To me, that goes against everything a BioWare game stands for. They just took two games that were all about making your own choices and said, actually, none of that mattered, these are the canonical versions of those characters now. I jumped off at that point and never came back. Doing world PvP and force pushing people who extremely out-leveled me into the sarlacc pit was very fun though.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2021
