This ones weird. Its basically the same game as 4 thats set between 4 and 3, and instead of being an Assassin you start as an assassin that turns to be a Templar because the Assassins are dumb assholes in this one. It was pretty interesting at first but once you fully turn I stopped caring. It fills in a backstory to 3 that I didnt really have questions about, and at the end it links to Unity, a game I did not like nor do I remember, and that kinda illuminates the issue with this game; its a quick basic reskin of an old game made so as to not alienate the last gen userbase as they moved onto XBone and PS4 which I get. When viewed in that context its fine but otherwise.

There was way less trailing missions in this, which was super great, but it was real short in terms of story content and they decided to make up for that by making the world bigger and throwing a bunch of collectables at you that i for some reason really went at for a couple days.

Overall I was real disappointed since I’ve read high praise for this game but in the end it was short and didnt offer a lot, even if some aspects like arctic naval combat were kinda neat.

And thus ends my hellscape of getting all the AC games off my hard drive comes to an end. What have we learned from this gruesome experience? Well, I sortof understand the modern day stuff now, to a point. so theres that. thats it I think.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2020
