Attention: Do not play this game.

It has good-looking characters and a somewhat solid and fun fundamental combat... that is royally f***ed up by everything else on the late game.

I like to think this game has a beginning, middle, and end; That being your journey on exploring what the characters can do, start little, find out some cool things and flashy skills, unlock more slots for skills, achieve the extremely grindy final class and immediately call it a day or try another character, because after that, you better build crit chance and damage, stock yourself with infinite MP and FAST cooldown times because you will just keep using your skills that give you invulnerability ad infinitum... either that, or you die on the first attack you receive.

Chose to build the only effective build for every character, well, good luck you will indeed need because of the ULTIMATE GRINDFEST that is rolling for good drops and stats.

The best part of having thrown 250h on this game, or rather, on the Steam release of this game, because I played on two other servers before that, is that I can properly trash this game. I do still have some attachment to its characters though.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2022
