Okay... what the fuck is this? Basically Tecmo saw it necessary to remake Dead or Alive 2, which is a game that could already pass for a 6th generation release, with the graphics engine of a newer game. But, like, this isn't even really a remake. There was a cutscene they tried to redo but the stage it was in is completely different from the original. It's just so odd. This doesn't feel much like DOA2 at all. The character roster is the same I think, but everything else is basically a new game. As a game on it's own, this is pretty great. I just really wish they'd label it as something else. I'm guessing this was mainly made for the online component, so it should've been called "Dead or Alive Online" or something, because as-is this is pretty misleading. All it really does is turn off players who don't usually like remakes.

Also that new opening made me laugh out loud. Whoever decided to play the Dream On song over a melodramatic scene of anime lolis deserves a serious raise.

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2022
