I get why people who are super into planning their routes and stuff through Mega Man games might not like X8 but it's going for something different than it's predecessors. Take the game for what it is and you'll find a genuinely great game with a lot to appreciate. I'm serious, this game is actually pretty awesome and is full of cool stuff. There were so many times I went "wow, what a smart idea," or "what a challenging section," or "this game is fucking cool!" X8 is different from the previous games but in a good way! I really enjoyed my time here and it's a damn shame that a title that tried so hard is stuck between the sticky tentacles of the previous two or three games. Go in with an open mind and you might find a new favorite.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2022


1 year ago

X8 was always my favorite along X1 and X4 as a kid

1 year ago

It's undoubtedly the most polarizing game on the series. I may not be the biggest fan, but despite all issues, the love and card it was made with shines through.