When a friend of mine first told me about this game, I was excited to see what it was like and give it a try because he had shared so many tales about it. When I got home, I immediately went to YouTube to search for a gameplay video, and my initial thought might have been 'WTF?' I got a really bad impression of it, as it was not what I had imagined at all. The visuals and gameplay didn't appeal to me at all. However, I forced myself to give it a chance, considering the wonders my friend told.

To my surprise, I COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG in judging this game 'by its cover'. It turned out to be absolutely amazing! Even when I take breaks from playing it, I find myself inevitably drawn back to it later on. This game has swiftly climbed its way into my list of all-time favorite games. It is incredibly unique and addictive. Despite having spent many hours playing it, I feel like I have barely scratched the surface. There are countless things to discover and try. This is definitely a game you should experience firsthand to truly understand the hype surrounding it.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
