I really don't care much for this at all. Just about every camera angle puts you at a disadvantage, the controls feel slugish (e.g. you have to wait for your oxymoronic quick turn animation to finish before you can aim; if you pull the trigger during, it doesn't read the input and you're just left standing around like a fucking idiot), every room feels the need to inundate you with enemies, dropping items sucked in RE0 and it sucks here, the plot up to a little over the halfway point that I played was incoherent and uninteresting, and worst of all, the level design is just painfully bland and it doesn't really have many real puzzles other than "this key goes to this door" or "match these shapes." It takes more than fixed camera angles and tank controls to get my survival horror jollies, and this game doesn't have it. I might give it another go in the future, but right now I'd rather watch paint dry.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2022
