Digital Devil Story Megami Tensei Remaster
A game that while it took me a while and was very grindy, had an atmosphere, OST and history that made it all worth it
This has been something I've fucked about with for close to 4 years now and after the last week or 2 of just blasting it out it's finally done, I've beaten the remaster of Digital Devil Story
Fuck what to say about this game apart from it's a solid first person dungeon crawler that has given me such a massive appreciation for the entire MegaTen series as a whole
Was it hell, yes
Did I like it, also yes
Genuinely cannot recommend this game to anyone since a lot of it is just grinding till you can take down the next boss but fuck it I liked it for some reason
An amazing OST, atmosphere to die for is what makes this game, if you don't fuck with it completely understandable
But I ate that shit up even if it did take me a while
Another checked off the list
A good one, not one I regret

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2023


8 months ago

Remaster? Do you mean Kyuuyaku remake? They remade everything, including the soundtrack.

8 months ago

@schmliff0 ngl I always heard it referred to as a remaster but yeah the kyuuyaku remake