Ratchet: Deadlocked never really struck the same chord with me as the other Ratchet and Clank games did. It's fairly different from the others, mostly following a mission based structure rather then having to fight through a linear or branching level.

These missions are mostly hit and miss and the game doesn't really get into it's groove until partway through. The combat is still as fun like with the other Ratchet games, but the weapon selection is rather low compared to previous entries. Music is good, but some tracks feel very samey. They brought their A game with the writing in this one though. Probably the funniest Ratchet and Clank game to date and it manages to covey it's themes very well.

While probably my least favorite of the PS2 Ratchet games made by Insomniac, it's still got a lot to like. At the end of the day, it's Ratchet and Clank. It just has a bit more edge to it this time around.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
