Ape Escape as a series is just so good. The first game is no exception. This game was the first to ever require the need of two analog sticks, and they make good use of it.

The story here is simple. When a circus monkey named Specter gets his hands on a peak point helmet, he's granted super intelligence and incredible powers. Stealing a professors time machine, he sends himself and a bunch of other apes back in time. Now it's up to Spike to stop Specter and save his friend, Jake, who's been kidnapped and mind controlled by Specter. Again, it's simple but it works for a game like this.

The gameplay revolves around you using a bunch of gadgets to complete platforming challenges, and utilizing a net to catch any apes you find. The gadgets you equip all make use of the right analog stick in some way or another. Catching the apes is surprisingly more addictive and fun then it may look like. Each ape puts up a tough fight, so it's not as simple as walking up and swinging your net. When you do catch one they disappear in a flash of sparkly particle effects along with a satisfying sound and Spike exclaiming, "GOTCHA!" So satisfying...

And the music? It's Great! The soundtrack was done by Soichi Terada, and there are alot of catchy DnB beats in this one. The Mysterious Age set of levels has some really good tracks in particular.

There are some negatives. The game throws you out of level once you catch a certain amount of apes, meaning you'll have to go back later and catch the rest. Some of the platforming is a bit janky, and the draw distance is a fair bit short.

Overall, a great way to kick off a fantastic Playstation franchise. I personally prefer it's sequels, but it's still a wonderful game!

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023
