A great sequel to the original Ape Escape that expands slightly on the first game! I'm surprised to see that not many people on here like it, but of course that's all subjective.

The story this time around has Spector escaping yet again with his peak point helmet, but he's got some heavy backup. This game introduces the Freaky Monkey Five, who are essentially Spectors top soldiers and act as the bosses for this game. Spector plans to conquer the world, this time without the use of a time machine. Jimmy, Spikes cousin, steps up to save the day as the main protagonist here.

Gameplay is...pretty much the same as the first game. There are some new gadgets and monkey types introduced here, but nothing all that major. It's still the same monkey catching action you'd expect from Ape Escape. There are actually cool and somewhat challenging bosses this time around! That's something.

The music isn't done by the Soichi Terada this time around, but the soundtrack here still holds up! The penultimate level and final level themes are especially good.

Overall, a great sequel but it doesn't introduce a whole lot to the Ape Escape formula. If it just had a bit more meat it'd be a perfect sequel.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023
