Idk I just wasn't feeling it.

it felt like a copy and paste from city. I slowly lost interest and stopped.

The ultimate version of arkham asylum. Added many new villains, and improved the ones who came back from the previous game. It took out all the frustrating traversing and gave you a huge map to glide from.

The story is way better and has multiple different factions now not just one villain.

again riddler trophies are still frustrating but less so because the gliding is really fun.

this series tries to show batman as a detective. Something the movies back then didn't want to do.

Amazing. Utilized most of the characters masterfully. It's so fun, the dialogue is amazing the story is simple but it doesn't need to be anything complex. This is a comic book story. Enjoyed from start to finish.

If I had to say negatives sometimes the game was a little frustrating. riddler trophies while the riddle ones being fun looking around for them was a chore.

You can ride any cool car you see. Too bad the game is boring.


-Game is fun to play

-Story mode. It's shit but a fun time if you turn your brain off.

-Filled with side content.


-All the bosses suck.

-The stupid jumpscare in the krypt.

-Why so horny.

-Tower mode is BS

-Story mode. You will go insane if you turn your brain on.

No joke might be the worst game I ever played.

I liked it back then. But I will never touch it again becuase I know I won't like it now.

Didn't care for it back then I played it for a bit then dropped it.

It's just a bunch of levels one after the other. Surprisingly not too bad.


-This game is really special. It's world is really unique. Idk if it owes this to the first one, but it's still here.

-NPC dialogue changes depending on what you do or how the story goes.

-The way this game handles side quests was new to me back then. I was really into it. You actually had choices. You could fuck up it up entirely. It was really unique.

-The story while being predictable wasn't too bad. The mad doctor was fun. The songs were really good. And it was dubbed in many languages and they all did the songs well.


-This game is wasted potential. I wouldn't actually recommend playing it.

-It's a buggy mess. Sometimes I want the good ending but the boss glitched and I have to RESET MY WHOLE PLAYTHROUGH.

-Oswald AI is awful.

-Sidequests. It's cool there are choices. But the game is telling you "no. This one is a bad choice and this one is good." It doesn't let you decide. And sometimes the right choices aren't really that good it's stupid.

-It's a collectathon. But if you want the 100%. You need to do every single side quest in the good route. Even if you don't like it. It's a chore to do. The world actually sucks to traverse. The main street is split in two and to go to the other one you need to go to the sewers it takes 3 minutes.

-If you do a single side quest differently you lose the 100%. RESET. If you want to try the different ending you don't use a new save slot. You RESET YOUR WHOLE SAVE.


-Peak fighting game gameplay it's so fun

-Huge roster

-Customization is amazing.

-The amount of funny dialogue in adventure mode.


-Presentation is meh.

-Customization is really hard to grind

-Adventure mode is a chore

-The Main story is shit.

A kid playing this back then, felt like a lucid dream in the best way possible.

-Using so many characters

-A story that feels more like final fantasy

-Lava Godzilla throwing a huge lava ball at Silver. Catching last second and throwing it back.

-Game being broken

It was so interesting to me at the time. Now it's mostly torture to play, I guess maybe the bosses are cool. But I still can't help but look at it the same why I did as a kid. I like it. Maybe not recommend it. Play project 06 By ChaosX.

Simply amazing. Even with it being one of my first sonic games. I could still feel how much love was put into it. This is what made me fall in love with sonic in the first place. Feels good to play, and all the bosses were fun.

Only main negative is I wish the story was just a little better.

My first sonic's whatever.