Uncharted 3 is surprisingly one of my big white whales in gaming. I never played Video Games much but when I got a PS3, I was realy excited to get Uncharted 3.

First I played through the first game. Then the 2nd one sat for a long while before I got to complete it. I started Uncharted 3 only very recently, still remembering how the trailers promised a darker more character focused story that took cues from Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade.

Uncharted 3 is pretty good. But also realy frustrating. It has amazing set-pieces but some of the levels got ridiculously bloated with enemies. I thought the pirates level was gonna be the worst part but near the end, the devs decided to put in enemies shooting from all directions at the same time.

The cinematics are more ambitious. Unfortunately, the story promises more than it delivers. The main villains Marlowe and Talbot are criticized a lot but the idea of a mastermind older woman (who has a history with Sully and makes Drake feel insecure about himself) and her magician companion Talbot sound realy cool. It's just the execution that makes them seem unthreatening. Talbot actualy feels ridiculous, appearing and disappearing out of nowhere without an explanation.

It's a fun experience but probably also the Uncharted game I found most frustrating to play so far.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
