Complete playthrough. Star Trek: Borg is a mid-1990s FMV game ("interactive movie"), playing out what effectively comprises a first-person Star Trek episode, in the The Next Generation era - when the titular nemesis, the Borg, were a popular theme of the show. The story that plays out here isn't anything particularly notable, but it's a decently enjoyable way for a fan of the franchise (of which I count myself among) to spend the hour or so that it takes to play through - depending on the level of success in solving the ocassional puzzles that punctuate the video sequences. Those puzzles are frankly a little poor, typically requiring either guesswork or being completely trivial, at least after the use of a scanner that spells out the answer - but do at least serve to maintain a degree of focus. I'd recommend playing with a guide to hand to minimise any potential frustrations!

While most of the game's cast are little-known, the game's greatest comes from the acting of John de Lancie, reprising his role from the TV series as the omnipotent Q. Serving as the core driver behind the plot, Q pulls a cadet (from whose view the game plays out) into the midst of a front-line encounter with the Borg, and we get several excellently-acted sequences for the benefit only of said cadet. There's some great humour in several of the fail sequences in particular, which serve to lift the overall experience and leave a positive feeling in the end, despite the game's shortcomings.

Reviewed on May 22, 2022
