Uh-oh, it's contrarian time! Yeah, I just don't like Ghost of Tsushima that much. I'll do a full review and analysis at some point, but just so this negative blurb gives people something to chew on:

Ghost of Tsushima is a slap in the face to anyone who has a legitimate love of samurai cinema rather than an aesthetic fascination that rarely goes beyond straight up Orientalism. The Director's Cut does not amend any issues I have with its launch day counterpart. In fact, locking the cutscenes at 30FPS is a laughable blunder on the part of Sucker Punch that adds even more scrutiny to their already mangled cinematics, especially in the same console generation where Spider-Man can run at a consistent 60FPS with ray-tracing. Ghost of Tsushima is a slightly more stylistically competent Assassin's Creed that lacks the heart, soul, and production value of its contemporary PlayStation Studios counterparts.

2.5 out of 5.

Play Nioh instead, you cowards!

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2021


2 years ago

I'm not sure it really counts as being a contrarian if every chud who fawns over this piece of ass juice just goes "Omegawd it's Le Samuri and wind! And it's cinematic cuz it's inspired by Kiwisara! What do you mean? Yea I've totally seen his films, 47 Ronin was epic!" Those aren't thoroughly formed opinions, that's just the wholesome 100 talking

2 years ago

damn son.