The game so nice, they made it twice! Honestly, it was inevitable that the title an overzealous journalist once referred to as "gaming's Citizen Kane moment" would become a lightning rod for the most obnoxious people on the Internet. You know who you are, don't be shy! While The Last of Us certainly isn't a Wellesian masterpiece, it is a Druckmannian masterpiece, which is just as good if not better. The Last of Us has a story to tell, something to say about the human condition, and it doesn't pussyfoot around with bullshit player agency or time-consuming open-world checklists. It's a polished experience that knows when to give the player control and when to take that control away; an experience of unmatched visual presentation and aural splendor. (Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson are giving better performances here than the entirety of the games industry has in its near 50-year existence.) This whole campaign of negativity spurred on by people with anime avatars and games with titles like "Boku No Wife's Boyfriend" as their favorites is a massive psy-op and if you don't believe me, check the profiles of everyone giving this remake anything less than three stars. The Last of Us is an unparalleled interactive experience that looks finer, plays better, and hits harder than it did now that it's been brought up to the standard of its magnificent sequel. There isn't much more to say that hasn't been said by myself or others already. The wizards at Naughty Dog perfected perfection. Get Druckmannized.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2022
