This is a case of a sequel that learns NOTHING from the mistakes of the previous one by adding even more, on the one hand you have a "life bar" represented by the character's emotions, I even thought this game was "better" than the previous one before, but replaying it, I noticed that it's really quite bad, the gameplay is much worse, making Bubsy go up to 200 kHz just by holding down the d-pad a little, and worse, the stages don't even have much of a straight line and are full of enemies (or best mess of level design) making it very easy to take damage and the level design has gotten a lot worse, now it's a mess full of paths, and like I said, I like exploration, but this man, it looks like they used artificial intelligence to draw the level design, it's every disjointed and messy thing that looks like those art drawings that you don't understand at all, there are even some arrows that show you the right path, but come on, just because you show the right path in your game to compensating for the terrible and messy level design, does not mean that your level design is good, it just makes you a bad game designer, level design has to be well done, if there is little, it is empty and dull, but if it There's so much stuff to the point that it looks like "Where's Waldo", it becomes extremely polluted, has no identity and is boring to navigate. Ultimately, I don't recommend any game from this franchise.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
