I was hooked by the game's premise, having started it after watching the fantastic You Won't Be Alone: this idea of wearing corpses like an armour and learn through the memories of those fallen warriors. And the narrative behind each of the shells didn't disappoint: they all have unique personalities that give us glimpses (hah!) into this blighted world our Foundling finds itself in.

Both in terms of story, gameplay, and aesthetic, it drinks a lot from the Soulsborne fountain, which is a strong selling point for fans like me. But it's important to go into Mortal Shell with one understanding: this is a game made by an indie developer with a much more restraining budget than the likes of From Software.

The game is short and straightforward; easier than Dark Souls too. The gameplay can be a bit rusty sometimes, and the visuals, my biggest criticism, lack refinement. In this aspect, it's not a case of being ugly; no, Mortal Shell does have a pretty world. But its landscapes are lacklustre. In the HUB area, it's hard to even localise oneself because there's almost nothing standing out.

Despite those flaws and limitations, I had a great time with the game! It's an indie gem that deserves players' attention, and hopefully, developer Cold Symmetry will have the resources to expand on this premise in the future.

Reviewed on May 19, 2022
