Honestly I'm a bit mixed on this one. I see a lot of complaints about it being unsubtle but for the subject matter that is appropriate, not to mention in classic Silent Hill titles the main themes are rarely subtle (have you ever read the grafitti all over Silent Hill 2?) its more secondary themes and symbolism that are what give the series such a strong identity with subtlety. That being said I do have some issues with The Short Message, the biggest one is of course the final chase sequence which is structured like a cheap steam Collect The Pages Before The Instakill Monster Grabs You game, its just not very fun or interesting and it kills the tension. The other main gripe is that I wish I could play in whatever the original language was. The dubbing and lipsync are really, really distracting. For a longtime Silent Hill fan though this was a step in the right direction especially art and design-wise it just stumbles a lot on the way.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024


3 months ago

To me it's not that the theme/subject matter isn't subtle. It's that it's tactless and doesn't feel genuine. It reminds me of people I knew in film school who would make films about suicide (who had never experienced a loss in that way). And most of the time, it felt more like they used it as a way to create cheap "drama".

3 months ago

That's a valid interpretation, however I'm not sure I entirely agree? I don't know. I feel part of it is the strange, awkward translation