I enjoyed my time with this game at the time but in recent years, it shows its age and limitations in comparison to its contemporary Sonic titles. The continuation and evolution of the boost mechanic is welcome, and with the additional power of the Whisps (that future Sonic games would oddly return to, creating a very strange sense of continuity without fully commiting) it makes stage traversal fun and imaginitive.

Obviously being on the Wii, Sonic Colours runs at 480p but thankfully also at 60hz so it at least feels like a smooth experience even if it being between Unleashed and Generations leaves it feeling like a forced mid-trilogy downgrade. Sound direction is solid as always and the soundtrack is brightly poppy with great electronic beats. The story is a much more low-key affair in comparison to previous titles of Eggman's quest for world domination via an elder god of some kind but its really here where the "meta" era of Sonic begins in the English scripts, with a lot of self references to its franchise whilst poking fun at itself. It's fine, it does its job at maintaining the family-friendly vibe, but there's also a sense of cynicism creeping in which I've recently grown weary of.

Overall, a solid Sonic title for the Wii - a shame it was only released for that console (at the time) but hardly any worse compared to Unleashed and Generations because of it.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2021
