Game starts out good and just gets worse over time. Parrying and wall-climbing are both fun, discovering secrets is satisfying, and the more challenging boss fights are mostly fun. I like most of the decisions when it comes to menus and equipping stuff, especially that reloading your save takes you straight to the last Prie Dieu. Finally, the sword feels great to swing, which is really important.

Biggest problem is aiming up, sometimes it just doesn't work. I thought it was because of the analog stick, but I had the same problem with a d-pad. Most of the abilities are useless; the dash attack is the only important special move, and the first spell you find outclasses most others. The only upgrades that matter are ones that allow you to backtrack for several hours to get collectibles that mostly don't improve the game in any way. There's also a LOT of animations that will lock you in place and make you get hit, which feels out of place in such a quick action game in my opinion. Some of the animations that fade in and out, such as the lightning orbs, don't make it very clear as to when it's safe to move through them.

I couldn't get too excited about the setting after the first few hours, mostly because the whole thing is very one-note. The art is nice, the soundtrack is okay, the story is repetitive.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2023
