It's an enjoyable game with a charming artstyle and a twisted sense of humor that blends together a rogue-like dungeon crawler and a town management sim.

It's cool how the game intersects the two gameplay style as taking care of your town is crucial to leveling up the lamb to perform even better in dungeons and during the dungeon crawling you can pick up resources to decorate and upgrade your town further. The combat is quick and snappy but by the end of the game it doesn't really evolve much and it does start to feel samey.

This leads to it's biggest issue is how it lacks in longevity, while it's fun to interact with the town and it's cultists, eventually it just gets boring to manage once the story is concluded and I just lost the will to continue. It lacks some elements in really making it worth investing into long term as it gets very repetitive at that point. Maintaining the faith of the followers just gets too easy at a point and it just runs out of steam by then.

Even the crusades (what they call dungeon runs) begins to run out of ideas quickly so you're just doing the same basic hack and slashing and it gets boring. I had no motivation to do it all again for the post game objectives.

Still a fun little game which you can enjoy for the initial story but as a rogue lite is does eventually run out of steam.

Another thing to note is the Switch version has some weird hiccups sometimes with frame drops and freezing during intense combat encounters sometimes which was really frustrating. Also it did crash on me one time but not during anything important thankfully.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2023
