A lot more streamlined with the ideas that Assassin's Creed 2 introduced even though it did feel like we were just going over the same motions again. The story has great spectacle and production value but it didn't feel as engaging as 2's story was especially with how at least on Ezio's side, how abrupt it ends. The feeling of being a master assassin though feels executed in a satisfying way here with the authority Ezio commands in the story as well as the recruitment mechanics. There's a ton to do in this game to net full completion but I really only went so far to just get the Romulus armor. Speaking of, the linear levels in these games are pretty enjoyable, they remind me a lot of the Prince of Persia games I enjoyed.

I did encounter a lot of bugs and exploits sadly that still haven't been patched to this day Ubisoft really needs to update this game to work more naturally on modern hardware.'

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
